Practical use of the ozone generator

What do shock ozone generators do? As we know, ozone is a strong oxidizing agent, which means that shock ozone generators oxidize harmful impurities in the air, thereby removing the persistent smells of rot, chemicals, mold, smoke, etc. Through a chemical oxidation reaction, odors are destroyed and disappear, not masked. Unlike chemicals like chlorine, which is also an oxidizing agent, ozone leaves no harmful residual compounds. What can we clean and disinfect with ozone? These are any commercial and private premises, such as apartments, houses, cellars, hotel rooms, gyms, warehouses with food products, as well as any technical premises, offices, locker rooms, hospital rooms, tools, vehicles, etc. Using the ozone generator, you can process any object or tool, for this it is enough to put the necessary thing in a dense plastic bag or specially equipped box and feed ozone into it using the ozone generator.

AOS ozone generators are an indispensable tool in the restoration of rooms after fires, floods, mold that has formed, cleaning up the scene of an accident and death, disinfection of garbage cans, sterilization of viruses and bacteria in hospitals and hospices, schools and kindergartens. Also, ozone perfectly copes with the elimination of the unpleasant odor coming from clothes and shoes. Ozone generators are often used during hunting. The smell of ozone perfectly masks the smell of a hunter, which allows him to be unnoticed by the beast. Ozone generators do a great job with cleaning and disinfecting water.



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