Lead-in to Hydroxyl Generators use.

In nature, hydroxyls are formed as a result of the reaction of water vapor from the atmosphere, and its subsequent decomposition into hydroxyl radicals, and ultraviolet, solar radiation. Radicals released into the atmosphere react and then neutralize odors and pollutants in the air. But the problem is that natural hydroxyl radicals have a short lifespan, a little more than a second, so their effect on the surrounding environment is quite small.

A commercial Hydroxyl Generator is a generator capable of producing hydroxyl radicals by high energy ultraviolet lamps. The whole process takes place by circulating air from the room through the chamber where the hydroxyl exchange reaction takes place. The process occurs due to the conversion of water from the environment into hydroxyl radicals. Air passes through the generator chamber over and over again, a reaction takes place and the pollutants are gradually destroyed, being converted into carbon dioxide and water.

Hydroxyl generators are often used by companies engaged in the restoration of houses after flooding and fire, as well as when working to eliminate mold. Hydroxyl radicals are not toxic to humans and animals; moreover, they work absolutely perfectly in humid, hot conditions. Using this type of generator, you can remove all the same impurities and pollutants from the air as with the ozone generator. However, unlike an ozone generator, working with a hydroxyl generator will take much longer. For comparison, the same room with the same air pollution will be treated with an ozone generator for two hours, which takes six or more hours to process the same room using a Hydroxyl generator, but hydroxyls do not damage materials such as rubber and some adhesives that may be damaged by concentrated ozone.